20:1-17(20:1-3, 7-8, 12-17);
John 2:13-25
Today is the Third Sunday of Lent. If we go back to
the readings, especially the gospels, of the past two Sundays of Lent, it is
clear that they are interconnected. On the First Sunday, after His Baptism, the
Spirit led Jesus into the desert. He stayed there for forty days and forty
nights in prayer, fasting and was tempted by the devil. But God came to His
rescue through His angels. I call this as Jesus’ desert experience with God. On
the Second Sunday, Jesus brought His three disciples on the top of the mountain
and Jesus there changed in appearance while praying. I call this as the
mountaintop experience of Jesus in His encounter with God. Today’s gospel is
the cleansing of the temple by Jesus. The temple is a place of special
encounter with God. In other words, the desert, the mountain and the temple are
places of special encounter with God.
But today we are not going to see the glorious face of
Jesus; we are going to see His angry face. Jesus is not happy with what He sees
precisely because the way the temple worship has been organized no longer
reflects God’s original idea of a worshipping community. He found people
selling animals and exchanging money in His Father’s house. Making a whip,
Jesus drives the animals out and overturns the table of the money changers.
Jesus loses His cool. Jesus losing His cool is something that is unthinkable.
It could not have happened because we know Jesus as meek, humble, merciful,
compassionate, kind and loving. For us to lose His cool is simply out of His
In the First Reading today (Exodus 20:1-17), God gave
the people of Israel rules that are meant to direct their lives and
relationship with God and their neighbours. This is traditionally known as the
Ten Commandments (the Decalogue). It will be fitting to begin by exploring the
basic reason why God gave them the Ten Commandments which are rules of conduct that should guide people’s
relationship with God and their neighbours. They are meant to guide the people
in their daily lives, they are meant to be standards for them to measure if
they are doing well or not.
If we look at the Ten Commandments very well, there
are no corresponding punishments for the infringement on each and every one of
them as was obtainable in most ancient laws like the code of Hammurabi that
existed about that time! Why? The answer can be found in our explanation above.
The commandments are dependable measuring standards for our lives and
relationships in our journey to reach God. They are meant to help us identify
the right steps in this journey. They are not meant to remove sin but to reveal
sin so that we can avoid them in our journey. St. Paul made this clearer in his
letter to the Romans (3:20): For “no human being will be justified in his
sight” by deeds prescribed by the law, for through the law comes the knowledge
of sin.
From this
explanation, it is clear that observing the commandments alone is not enough
for our salvation. Just like observing the rules of the game of soccer does not
guarantee victory in the game. Players must go beyond observing the rules and
strive to score goals.
An appeal to our Lord Jesus Christ will help us here.
In the Gospel of Matthew (10:17-22) we are told that a rich man came to Jesus
Christ and asked what he must do to inherit the kingdom of God (eternal life).
Jesus asked him to pay due attention to the commandments and he confirmed that
he had been keeping them since his youth and our Lord said that he was lacking
something and asked him to go and sell all he had and give the money to the
poor; but he went away! The rich man in question believed that observing the
commandment was enough but our Lord indicated from what he told him that beyond
observing the commandments there is need to carry out some guided positive
From what we have above, keeping the commandment must
be accompanied by the performance of good deeds. We are saved not by the law
but by our good works in Christ Jesus our Lord. In the Gospel of Matthew
(25:35-40) our Lord Jesus Christ presented the formula for entering into heaven
and if we check the space very well he was making reference to good works
beyond the observance of the law. One can keep all the commandments and still
remain unacceptable to God if the person fails to match the commandments with
works that are good and pleasing to God.
In the Gospel Reading today (John 2:13-25), we are
presented with a clearer picture about the need for cleansing beyond observance
of the law. Our Lord Jesus Christ was seen at one of his most radical moments.
He entered the temple in Jerusalem and saw those who were buying and selling
animals and he drove them all away with a whip and went further to overturn the
tables of the money changers.
There will
be need for us to understand the events very well. The temple in Jerusalem was
usually a beehive of various religious ceremonies. People came at various times
to offer sacrifices prescribed by the law. People bought the animals for
sacrifices they intend to make from sellers around the temple. They obtained
the temple money from the money changers in exchange for the one with the
impression of Caesar which is not used in the temple ceremonies. From the
picture we have here, they were doing the recommended things. It is easier to
say that our Lord Jesus Christ drove them away because they were conducting
business but that does not say it all.
A deeper insight into the event would show that our
Lord went there to cleanse the temple and to convey the message that it is not
all about observing the religious recommendations but also by spiritual
performance. We might be observing the law while at the same time having a lot
of things going on inside of us. It is not all about external religious
ceremonies but more about internal sanctity. If we check very well our Lord was
more concerned about those conducting business inside the temple and not those outside.
The temple represents us. St. Paul (1 Cor. 3:16-17)
made us to know that we are the temple of God that should not be tampered with
as it is God’s dwelling place. When Jesus was driving out the merchants and
their merchandise from the temple he was simply demonstrating that our lives
need to be cleansed by good works and prayers and not just by observing the
rituals of the law: offering the external sacrifices that are recommended
without living the inner life that is commendable. There are indeed many things
that are robbing us of God’s graces in our external religious observances that
lack internal spirituality.
It will be fitting for us to examine closely what our
Lord actually did when he came into the temple. Firstly, he was not pleased
with what the people were doing in the temple. Oftentimes we see and even
encounter attitudes and dispositions that are contrary to the good news and we
choose to keep mute and allow them to thrive. It is absolutely wrong not to
speak out against sin and disobedience.
Our Lord demonstrated his anger by using a whip to
drive both the merchants and their merchandise away. He identified something
wrong and took a practical step to stamp it out. He went further to say that
the temple should be a place of prayer but they have turned it into a den of
robbers. Our lord not only identified a problem and acted, he also prescribed
what should be done. Often we end up criticizing a person or situation without
providing a remedy or solution as needed.
Our Lord Jesus Christ remains the central point of our
Christian life. In him is the fulfillment of the laws and the prophets (Matt.
5:17). This is actually the point St. Paul was emphasizing in the Second
Reading (1 Cor.1:22-25) when he maintained that the Christ crucified is the
greatest treasure and central object of the good news which for many is a
stumbling block and to others folly. However it is for those who are called
power of God and wisdom of God.
If the commandments were sufficient for our salvation,
God would not have taken the extra step of sending His Son our Lord Jesus
Christ into the world. In fact, the commandments are better understood and
expressed in the life and teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. On one occasion,
a lawyer came to Jesus Christ and asked him which is the greatest of the
commandments. Answering, our Lord said: Love the Lord your God with all your
heart, soul and mind and your neighbour as yourself. He even concluded by
saying that all the Law and Prophets hang on the two.
Another significant thing our Lord did that should not
be taken for granted was the overturning of the table of the money changers.
When a table is overturned one sure thing that will happen is that the things
on it will be pour away and it will become empty. This season is actually the
proper time to overturn the tables of our lives to away all those things that
are irrelevant. It is a time of self-emptying which our Lord Jesus Christ
himself did in order to save us. St. Paul did mention that he (Jesus Christ)
emptied himself taking the form of a slave though he was God (Phil. 2:6-11).
The commandments will become very efficient if they
make us to overturn the tables of our lives and empty ourselves of unnecessary
things. It is at this point that inner cleansing is inaugurated. The sixth
commandment which for instance stated that we should not commit adultery should
help us to overturn all the things (actions and words) that disposes us to
impurity not just that very act. The same applies to all the others. (It is
important to note that none of them is higher or lesser than others; they all
have the same weight and measure).
As we march into the third week of Lent, let us be
attentive to the Ten Commandments. We should focus on them not as ends but as
guides that will enable us to perform more credible and creditable actions that
will eventually lead us to eternal life which is the end.