Is 52, 13- 53, 12;
He 4, 4-16, 5-9:
Gos: Jn 18, 1-19, 42
Today is Good Friday. On Palm Sunday we began the
mystery of our Holy Week celebrations, when Jesus willing and lovingly entered
Jerusalem, on a donkey, to suffer and die for us. That love-journey
culminates on the Cross of Christ, and it’s ironic and redeeming power that we
celebrate today.
But what is good about this Good Friday? What is good about
a day that someone was innocently condemned to death and crucified? A day that
we are not to celebrate; a day we are asked to abstain from all the goodies of
life; a day when God was crucified; a day when the hopes of those who looked up
to Jesus as the Christ and Messiah were shattered; a day that everyone is
expected to leave the church mournful and silent; and a day when the altar of
the Almighty God is reaped of its beautiful decorations and laid bare.
Good Friday is the Friday within Holy Week.
The first shot at the question is that without this day (not doubting the power
or the ability of God the Father to use any other means to accomplish his
mission) perhaps, there would have been no salvation for humanity. This is
because, had Christ not died, there would not have been washing away of our
sins (John 16, 3; Rom 5, 8). So it is good because, it is a blessing in
disguise. It is actually on this day that the devil was put to shame and the
power of death was defeated. Hence, Paul asked: “death where is your sting,
death where is your power?” (I Cor 15, 55). According to the Catholic
Catechism: “Justification has been merited for us by the Passion of Christ who
offered himself on the cross as a living victim, holy and pleasing to God, and
whose blood has become the instrument of atonement for the sins of all men”
(CCC 1992).
Secondly, it is on this day that the barriers preventing all the
saints of the church from entering the holy of holies is torn apart (Mt 27,
51). Thirdly, it is on this day that the journey of salvation is actually
instituted. In fact some scholars consider this day more important than
Easter Sunday, for they feel that without this day, the Christ event of
Easter Sunday would not have been feasible. The term
Good Friday and the activities that surround it could be likened to
one of the lines in the Exultet song during the Easter Vigil Mass which
describes the fall of Adam and Eve as: “Oh, what a happy fall.” So, just
as the fall of Adam and Eve helped in fulfilling the salvific plan of God, so
also does the sacrifice and death of Jesu Christ on Good Friday not only
help in fulfilling the salvific plan of God, but is, in itself the fullness and
the highest point in this plan. It is a day when the “drama script” written by
God is fully “directed and acted out” by Christ his Son. Even though on this
day there appeared to be the absence of God by human reckoning, God was fully
present and somewhere beaming with smiles as his son accomplished his mission
for the salvation of humanity. Indeed, it is a Good Friday!
What is good about the altars left completely bare, without a
crosses, without candles and without fanciful altar cloths? What is good that
the Holy Mass, sacraments are not celebrated today, except for penance and
anointing of the sick, are legitimates questions? Answers to these questions
are not single dimensional. The meaning of “Good Friday” may be found when
we deeply and faithfully meditate on the crosses we shall soon venerate. Its
meaning may be revealed through our meditation on the stations of the cross
re-enacted across the global church. Still its meaning may be revealed
through the writings of the Church Fathers, Encyclicals and Apostolic Letters
of various Popes.
The central object today is the Cross. It will thus be
worthwhile to dwell more profoundly on the Cross of Calvary. There are two prominent
platforms in the whole of the bible: the tree at the middle of the Garden of
Eden (Gen. 2:16-17) and the tree of the Cross of Jesus Christ (I Pet.2:24;
Acts 5:30; 10:39; 13:29). The Cross functions in undoing the
powers and effects of the tree at the middle of the garden. The tree was
attractive to the eyes but its fruits led humanity to disconnection from God.
The cross on the other hand had no attraction (the only fruit is the one
crucified on it, Jesus Christ). It is despised by all but through it humanity
is redeemed and reconnected with God. Hence our Lord Jesus Christ would say:
“when I am lifted up I will draw all people to myself” (John 12:32).
This simply means that the tree at the middle of the Garden of
Eden dispersed all people from God, but the Cross of Jesus Christ in the middle
of sinners (represented by the two thieves; crucified on his left and right)
brought humanity back to God. Humanity failed God by the tree at the middle of
the garden and humanity got redemption by the tree of the Cross at the middle
of sinners. Satan seduced humanity by the old tree but on the platform of the
cross (the new tree) Satan was defeated.
By the old tree God pronounced curses and human nature was
wounded, but by the new tree humanity received blessings and healing. By the
old tree of Eden, Adam and Eve were chased out but through the new tree we
received divine convocation (Jn 12:32). The Cross from all indications is
the symbol of our victory. No wonder then we have today the ceremony of the veneration
of the Cross. The Cross is not merely a heavy load, it is not merely a symbol
of suffering and death. Above all these, it is a plus sign, it is a salvific
ladder, and it is also a warfare arsenal.
Having explored all that was done for our sake, the pertinent
question would be; “How can we repay the Lord what he did for us?” One thing
that comes to mind at this point is that we should endeavour to suffer with
Him. We should be ready to walk the walk with him.
In a certain Parish, an elderly Priest was leading the Stations
of the Cross on a Good Friday along a rocky and rough road beside the
parish. At the third station which marked the first fall of Jesus Christ, the
Priest inadvertently struck his foot against a piece of rock and fell face-down
and had his face bruised. The processing parishioners were moved by empathy at
the sudden fall of their elderly Priest and spontaneously, emotional shouts
were heard from among the people. The next challenge was if the priest should
continue leading the Way of the Cross or hand over to another person. On his
part the priest would have wished to discontinue, but upon remembering and
pondering upon what Jesus Christ steadfastly underwent on the Way to the Cross
for us, he dismissed the idea of stopping and continued with a renewed strength
till the end; though still wearing a bruised and blood stained face.
During the shooting of the life changing movie “The Passion of
the Christ” by Mel Gibson (2004), the man who acted Jesus, Jim Caviezel,
confessed that Jesus Christ must have suffered more than we actually imagined.
Mel Gibson wanted to make the movie as real as possible so he tried to use the
actual things used by the Roman Soldiers at the time to punish criminals. For
flogging they used a whip (flagrum) which had several strands on which are
attached pieces of bones and irons. The Jewish flogging then was thirty-nine
times (2nd Cor. 11:24) but the Roman soldiers had no limit. When they flog,
the bones and irons would be dug into the body and they would draw the whip letting
out blood. During the movie they used the same whip but covered the body of
Jim. However it happened once that the elastic covering shifted and the whip
landed on the bare body of the actor. The impact was so much that the shooting
of the movie was suspended to allow Jim Caviezel to recover.
From the instances we have above, it will be worthwhile for us
to be patient in our suffering (Romans 12:12). And as St. Paul made us to
know, if we suffer with Christ we are sure that we shall also be glorified with
him (Romans 8:17; 2 Tim.2:12).
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